Friday, June 27, 2014

My Numbers?

I was surprised when I checked the number of visitors I am receiving here at the blog and at I always think that a couple of people occasionally drop by, and when I'm posting (especially boring stuff like the mitochondria discussions) I'm basically posting for myself. I'm pleasantly surprised to discover that we have over 100 daily visitors, sometimes up to 150. The busiest section is the Oscar Study Page, which is a website dedicated to the study of Astronotus Ocellatus, aka the Oscar, a South American Amazon Basin cichlid (tropical fish). This page receives around 75 to 80 hits a day, mostly coming in from links at Aquaria related forums and websites. The url there is I coded The Oscar Study Page and posted it at the Rio Grande Freenet waaaaaay back in 1996, and "The Aquaria FAQs" labels it as the oldest species-specific Aquaria website on the internet.

In second place is this very blog (yeah, the one you're reading lol) at about 30 hits per day, and most of those come in from Facebook. A few people wander in from the bicycle forums I used to hang around at, because I have its URL in the sig over there.

The Music section is third with ten or so seekers of truth per day.

The major purpose for the website as a whole is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is my hope that people drawn to it by their love for Oscars (the "puppy dogs" of the fish world) or their bicycling addiction or even because they like American Primitive Guitar playing will end up reading the sections about the Love of Jesus.

I'm really quite full of myself today over this. I thought I got about one hit per month!

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