Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Eleven and a Half Minutes

Tonight I had one of the shortest bike rides ever - it lasted 11-1/2 minutes! And then relatives made fun of me!

Huge thunderstorms are rolling through the El Paso area, but I figured (after looking outside) that I could probably fit in a good 30 minute spin before the storms got to my house. Wow, was I wrong. They must have been riding on a magic carpet, or something. I rode down a side street and came back around the block, and hit a wall of wind that was amazing. I rode back towards the house as fast as I could against the wind (approximately slow walking speed) while my clothing, especially my shirt and socks, filled with runaway rain drops and dust. I got to the house, got inside safely, and let our dogs in the house and sat.
Not actually me . . .

Then my smartphone lit up.
Viv in her house

You see, my Sister-in-Law, Viv,  lives right across the street. She and her kidlets were at their window watching the storm roll in, and were filled with delight to see me riding through the 400mph wind to get
home. The laughter I can handle - but the cell phone abuse? Text messages started rolling in - "Awfully short ride, ey Uncle Mark?"
Also not actually me . . .

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